I only change back to local languages when needed. After some time, you know both the local and the US keyboard by heart. I type without looking at the keyboard anyway, thus it is no decrease in type efficiency, at the beginning, you might also consider buying an external US keyboard. The US keyboard must be added in the settings of course. Use Windows key + space to switch the keyboard languages. And then Ctrl+Shift+"-" will comment in of course. Then in case of a German keyboard, you can use Ctrl+"-" to comment out because you actually use the US Ctrl+"/" at that moment. I suggest changing your keyboard to US during programming.

Now the answer to this could be a rather simple workaround: That is why you cannot make use of any shortcut that is differentiating between shift button / no shift button, since you need the shift button to reach the slash at all. From your question I read that you have a German/German-like keyboard where the "/" is in the index of the button "7". The US keyboard can reach the "/" button without using shift. Repeating your explanation from the comments in new words: